On-Demand Tech Talent for your Startup

Looking for software engineering talent? 3CK embeds tech teams to co-create, launch, and scale your startup

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Have you ever asked yourself

I find it difficult to hire quality tech talent, quickly?

My tech delivery is too reliant on too few people and skillsets?

I can’t afford the team I need!?

Our awesome features

The Tech Hustle Is Real

Competing against Microsoft, Google, and Amazon for tech talent can make building your own tech team expensive, time consuming, and risky.

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Say Hi To Your Own Tech Team from 3CK

With a panel of 150+ high-quality engineers based in Bangladesh and India, 3CK embeds tech talent into your company to fuel your growth journey. 3CK provides on-demand, modular, and wholistic tech support for long-term growth.

We Keep it Simple

From using no-code prototypes, to building management-friendly platform architecture, we build tech that simply works, the way it needs to.

Aligned Incentives

Our commercial relationship describes how we work together: for the long term towards scale and growth, where we serve your customer, and you.

Tech Should Liberate, Not Imprison

Tech debt is real. 3CK mitigates this by building for the long-term, flexibly, and always on your terms.

What this means for you

Faster speed to market

Save on the time spent recruiting and managing your tech team.

One less ball to juggle

Tech and software management is a time-warp; run your business instead!

Learn what quality is

Don’t be lost or intimidated by the tech team; learn to speak their language.

On-demand flexibility

Need another DevOps engineer? A UX Researcher? A mid-level React engineer? You’ve got it within 2 weeks!

Avoid tech causing failure!

Don't let tech (or lack of tech) prevent you from succeeding

Value-Add Resources

Benefit also from strategy and commercial development experience

We work with startups of all stages, and each engagement is bespoke

Our awesome features
Idea → MVP

CHALLENGE: not being able to test your product hypothesis with real users SOLUTION: an iterative prototype built and shipped into the hands of real users who provide validating feedback 3CK provides a team of 1-3 and ensures a validated prototype is tested and used in the market within 3-4 months.

Our awesome features
MVP → Product Market Fit

CHALLENGE: accelerating and optimizing user uptake based on limited tech capacity and other distracting tech demands (data analysis, supporting architecture, payments, reliability and robustness) SOLUTION: involve a director of engineering to lay the foundation for a scalable tech strategy, ensure sufficient tech talent to deliver quickly to achieve PMF Onwards to the next stage! Let's build the MVP of the internal tech org and make it to the next stage of growth. We provide a team of 4-10 depending on outsourcing needs including DevOps, QA/QC, Backend, Frontend, with part time Product, Engineering management and CTO involvement, to create an enduring and widely distributed product.

Our awesome features
Product Market Fit → Scale

CHALLENGE: Weak codification, data integrity and robustness, and inefficient management of tech teams, interrupted also with hiring, onboarding, and integration challenges; overcoming tech debt SOLUTION: Established and bespoke tech architecture (the tech platform) built in-house for scalability and control, ensuring no loss of control by management and optimal user experience, despite geographic location or product line. 3CK provides 1-3 product teams each managed with their own dedicated engineering manager to lay the foundations for scale, having overcome prior tech debt.

How we work with you

Discovery Phase

We start with an exploration and design phase, from which you can receive: - Tech strategy blueprint - UX Research Report - Tech prototype - Needs and health assessment - CTO-level feedback on your tech stack - Resource and mobilization plan

Implementation Phase

Based on the Discovery Phase, we align on the needs that make most sense for you, and we launch within the month. While we identify milestones for success, we ensure we align on needs that come up for you so we can remain nimble and flexible.

Roll out or scale up phases

3CK buys you time to build the capacity in-house without waiting. While 3CK is incentivized to grow with you to success, we can support you in transferring the 3CK team to you when ready to manage yourself.

Frequently Asked Questions

Some answers to common questions. If you have other questions, please sign up and we'll run through any concerns and questions you might have!

Cost is comparable to salaries for similar level talent, but you also get the talent on-demand, with flexibility and modularity. Longer-term engagements also lowers the cost burden. The value we offer is more than just high-quality embeddable talent: we bring services of an entire institution. Among the value-adds worth mentioning: 1. Modularity (change out team based on chemistry or skill sets, don't be constrained by the talent itself, while we help you ensure you have superior documentation; you always own the IP) 2. Wholistic and complementary (access on-the-ground CTO-level support to augment your team, despite size of company) 3. Save on recruitment fees 4. Preserve scarce equity and prevent dilution 5. Above all - speed. With 3CK, you can have a team within 2 weeks, not months, to get your company moving. And during this time you can still build your own team internally to incrementally make 3CK redundant if you wish. Ultimately, we help you to stop worrying about the tech and allow you to focus on the business priorities and products.

The engagement is done within your accounts, so you maintain, control, and own all documentation and IP. While engaging, you have time to recruit and build complementing internal tech capacity, while scaling your company's tech management capabilities. At the end of the engagement, our contributors may be hired directly. Alternatively, we can also build a bespoke team for you and help you set up foreign company certification (i.e. to help with payroll).

Our talent has gone through a vigorous and competitive selection process. Unlike in other markets, when we post for a role with us, we receive on average of more than 500 applicants. With Senior Developers assessing young talent in colleges, we cut the applicants down to ~30. Then, with coding interviews, technical tests, attitude assessments, we present 10 candidates with leadership. Of these, 2-5 get selected. After this, new talent undertakes a 6-month training program to learn how to work within a product squad structure, and take backlog prioritization instructions from PMs, UX designers, and engineering managers to build prototypes for FE, solution architecture for BE and other API documentation. They do this by shadowing senior engineers for that time. Only then do they become client ready at the junior level. Furthermore, we build in redundancy. Typical team structures include 2 FE and 2 BE, with a senior to junior match up. If it’s 2 junior level individuals, we’ll complement that with a senior engineering manager. But of course, we are also happy to connect you to our current previous clients who have good things to say about us, as well!

Documentation is done under startup’s accounts, not 3CK’s. Stringent documentation process exists for the whole stack, with APIs on Postman/Swagger, repositories on GitHub, project management on Jira, all of them integrated. These will be client’s accounts and 3CK accesses them as guests on those systems. Replacing us should not be difficult; we also aim to be replaceable and showcase this to generate long-term trust.

Of course! While we don't currently publish startup testimonials (as we've now started with working with startups) and because of confidentiality, we're happy to introduce you to our current clients. 3CK's track record has also been built working with multi-national development organizations. To see 3CK's overview for that service - along with those testimonials - head over to www.3ck.design

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